The equipment has ICU level functionality and consistency enabling paramedics to deliver the highest possible care to patients.
The most utilised piece of equipment is the Corpuls monitor which enables the crew to monitor patients’ heart rhythm, blood pressure (non-invasive and invasive), oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. It also has the ability to pace and defibrillate.
Additional medical equipment carried as required:
The Corpuls mechanical CPR device enables the crew to perform CPR throughout a flight as well as maintaining CPR during the transition to the appropriate hospital department. The CPR device can be controlled via bluetooth by the monitor/defibrillator.
The rescue helicopters are all certified for Night Vision Goggle (NVG) operations and use the latest technology goggles available (AN / AVIS 9). The introduction of NVGs has been the single most important advance in night flying operations for the rescue helicopter service in decades and has significantly enhanced the overall safety of the flight crew, while allowing for a better operational capability.
The introduction required the consent and approval of the US State Department and the New Zealand Government.